Combining ELA Standards And Read-A-Thon School Fundraiser

readathon school fundraiser

Read-A-Thon school fundraisers are an easy way to get your students excited about reading, both in the classroom and at home. They can also be used as a tool to make ELA reading standards more fun for your students. If you’re struggling with incorporating the new reading regulations in your classroom, here’s how a Read-A-Thon school fundraiser can help.

Read-A-Thons breed friendly competition, which is the motivation for your students to read more. Use this as an opportunity to encourage them to venture out of fiction books.

ReadaFun incorporates comprehension questions that are aligned with the ELA reading anchors—these come pre-loaded with the program and you can write your own questions as well. For example: ‘Compose a ‘Tweet’ that explains the main message of this book. Remember, Tweets can’t be more than 140 characters.’ This question is aligned with the 2nd reading anchor and is for 5th graders. Students can choose a few of these to answer when they finish each book, which takes some of the supplemental literacy support work off your plate.

You can create genre-specific levels throughout the Read-A-Thon school fundraiser to focus on literature from each important ELA standard segment. For example, students must choose a story from around the world during week one, a drama in week two, and a U.S. historical document in week three.

ReadaFun has been running successful online Read-A-Thons since 2012. 

We are dedicated to making Read-A-Thon a successful and enjoyable experience for both schools and students. Our user-friendly platform provides the tools and resources needed to streamline the fundraising process, track reading progress, and facilitate secure online donations. With ReadaFun, PTO and PTA leaders can confidently organize a profitable Read-A-Thon that inspires students, empowers literacy, and leaves their community feeling proud and fulfilled. If you are interested in running a successful Read-A-Thon this year, feel free to contact us today! We would be more than happy to guide you through the process.


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